Saturday 26 September 2015

My Jesus, My Great Planner

Haiiiii.. Udah lama banget ga mampir blog ini. Ga kerawat banget nih blog. Dan lp dl kn pke bhasa ing ya pgnnya. So lets try..
Now, i am married. Yes i updated my profile;) My husband is Febrian, he is my senior in college. Finally i choose him, without any reason. I believe, it is only about Hus great plan, yes my Jesus always have the greatest plan for me. He, "koko" came in the right time, he is the right man. We meet at my first office at Pempek city, Palembang. He is my senior ang he was accompanying me so well. He is not romantic,but he is so sweet. He is family man. He is smart. I told you i choose him wuthout any reason, but actually he has so many things that make me fall to him a lot. He is anger man. He is similar with my father in some ways, anger but lovely. And... We live in our home in Bogor near our office (it has another story that i will share too in another box). Two peoples only, we are waiting for our baby, the next great present from My Jesus (with another story box again). For you whose read this story, give us your prayer for our big dream for having baby. Thank you guys. Oh my God, thank you to your presents, my parents, my grandmother (she is died on April 2014), my bigbrother, my husband and their family.... 

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